Are you ready to land your next amazing role in tech where you thrive, get paid what you are worth, while reducing stress?


It’s time for a massive breakthrough in the next 12 weeks.


Schedule a Product Career Roadmap Session

Let’s get honest here for a minute.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are a tech rockstar ready for your next amazing role. You know you have the right skills and want to feel valued and recognized in your next position.

  • You are ready to work for an organization where you can thrive—one where you can love your job and drive breakthrough innovations.

  • You have been hit by layoffs and need to land not just any job, but the right job…quickly.

  • You are ready to reclaim your confidence and rockstar attitude.

  • You KNOW you are amazing at what you do, yet you have difficulty communicating when interviewing.

  • You know the tech market is constantly changing, and you want the skills to succeed on an ongoing basis, despite COVID, market changes, recessions, etc.

  • You have a wonderful family, yet you work 60-80+ hours per week. You are exhausted and ready to get your life back with a role where you can create your boundaries.

Let's Talk

It's Time to Land That Next Amazing Role in Tech


You know you have what it takes - you’ve proven it over and over again - and now you’re ready to get the recognition you know you deserve. To spend more time making the decisions that move the needle, and less time doing the tactical work and putting out fires.

This program is about landing your next amazing role in tech where you will thrive.

Stand Out

Create you market leading brand. Know how to stand out from the crowd and be seen as an innovator and leader, while staying true to your authentic self

Interview like a Rockstar

Own the interview. Tell your stories in a way where you are immediately moved to the next round and land that next role

Create Boundaries and Thrive

Learn career-changing skills to thrive, be present for your family, and love your job again. Reduce stress and imposter syndrome


The Inspired Product & Tech Leader 

Land Your Dream Role

The program is a live group  and 1:1 coaching program, designed specifically for seasoned rockstars in tech to help them land their next amazing role, while reducing stress. 


Schedule Free Product Leadership / Career Roadmap Call

How it works:

Part 1: The Program

Step by Step tools to help you build your brand, interview, and land the RIGHT Job, at the RIGHT salary. 

You’ll get the exact tactics and strategy to create a clear and compelling brand and interview like a rockstar...enabling you to stand out from the competition and attract the 'right' organizations. 

Everything we do is based on science, marketing, and the realities of working in tech.

Part 2: The Community

Live 24/7 support in our private community of rockstars in tech.

Connect with tech rockstars  in different stages of their career. Learn what’s working and not working and collaborate to become the best version of yourself.

Part 3: Training / Role Play / Coaching

Join Lynne and other world-class coaches weekly for training, interview practice, role play, and q&a. 

Receive tailored support so you can iterate and grow as you focus on your brand and storytelling skills.

You will also receive ongoing stress management and burnout support so you can stop working those 60-hour weeks and learn how to be present and productive both at work and outside of work.

Part 4: Personalized Coaching Support

Think that is all?  Think again - you get more support and accountability than you have ever received before. 

You’ll also have 1:1s with world-class coaches for personalized support to help you land the new role, create a word-class resume and LinkedIn profile, negotiate the salary you deserve, and bring your authentic self to work.

Part 5: Lifetime Access

Keep coming back for the good stuff as you get lifetime access to the program.

With the program, you can leave the guesswork out. You’ll have lifetime access to the program, as well as live coaching sessions,  so you can keep coming back for more.

Imagine where you will be

Watch the success stories below.

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Neha went from Senior Product Manager to Director to Sr Director, and doubled her salary.

“Before the Inspired Product Leader, I was stuck, stressed, and overwhelmed. I was doing everything for everyone and getting nowhere. After working with Lynne, I finally learned how to step into my authentic leadership style, build my brand, and most importantly, reclaim my confident mindset. I now have boundaries at work, have been promoted, and have become a people manager.”

My salary has doubled over 2 years. What is crazy is that once I reclaimed my love of product again, all of the relationships in my life improved.  It truly is about leading, innovating, and thriving both inside and outside of work."

 Lead. Innovate. Thrive




Here’s what you will learn

Experience 1: Create Your Authentic Magnetic Brand

We create your magnetic, authentic brand in the market so you can position yourself to companies where you would thrive and you get to CHOOSE what companies you want to work with. We also define your long term big audacious vision, career roadmap, and strategy to give you passion for continuously moving forward.

You will have a magnetic brand that not only stands out in the marketplace, but positions you as a strategic leader driving market leading innovations. The kind of brand that has the right recruiters clamoring to hire you.

Experience 1: Create Your Authentic Magnetic Brand

We create your magnetic, authentic brand in the market so you can position yourself to companies where you would thrive and you get to CHOOSE what companies you want to work with. We also define your long term big audacious vision, career roadmap, and strategy to give you passion for continuously moving forward.

You will have a magnetic brand that not only stands out in the marketplace, but positions you as a strategic leader driving market leading innovations. The kind of brand that has the right recruiters clamoring to hire you.

Experience 2: Create Rockstar Confidence

Create executive presence and confidence to own the room, confidently speak up, even when things are stressful.  Learn how to manage that voice in the back of your head that tells you that you are not enough.  Start to play the bigger game of politics in an authentic way, where you have the ability to influence the ‘challenging’ personalities.

Create executive presence and confidence to own the room, confidently speak up, even when things are  back of your head that tells you that you are not enough.  back of your head that tells you that you are not enough.  

Experience 2: Create Rockstar Confidence

Create executive presence and confidence to own the room, confidently speak up, even when things are stressful.  Learn how to manage that voice in the back of your head that tells you that you are not enough.  Start to play the bigger game of politics in an authentic way, where you have the ability to influence the ‘challenging’ personalities.

Experience 3: Tell Stories that Move Mountains and Land You the Right Job!

Create storytelling skills that will let you not only land the right roles, but influence those up, down, and across your organization and the broader market.

When you are interviewing, it is not just about your technical skills, but how well you can connect and tell the stories of your experiences.  

Experience 4: Kick Stress, Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

Effectively manage imposter syndrome while reducing stress and overwhelm. This is about being successful on a l basis without sacrificing everything in the process. 

 Feel excited about innovating. Become a better owner of your time and learn how to effectively delegate and set expectations. Feel excited about innovating. Become a better ownerFeel excited about innovating. Become a better owner of 

Experience 3: Tell Stories that Move Mountains and Land You the Right Job!

Create storytelling skills that will let you not only land the right roles, but influence those up, down, and across your organization and the broader market.

When you are interviewing, it is not just about your technical skills, but how well you can connect and tell the stories of your experiences.  

Experience 4: Kick Stress, Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

Effectively manage imposter syndrome while reducing stress and overwhelm. This is about being successful on a l basis without sacrificing everything in the process. 

 Feel excited about innovating. Become a better owner of your time and learn how to effectively delegate and set expectations. 

Let’s get real for a second 

Listen! When I tell you I understand you, I mean it. I built a highly successful career with over 15 years in tech. I started as a Product Manager and moved my way into leadership

I had an incredible team, I was on boards, I was speaking at conferences, and I was able to reduce the crazy hours and stress. But the truth is, by the time I had this figured out, it was too late. Cancer had taken over my body and I almost didn’t make it. This is why I have such a deep passion to help others like you get to the next level of leadership without sacrificing everything to do it.

If you want to land the role, you cannot do this without having clarity on your brand, your passions, and how you want to lead.

If you want to be able to weather any storm at work, a recession, or any other “crisis” without worrying about your career, you must have a strategy.

If you want to be able to move with ease from work to home and back again, you need the right tools.

If you want to stop feeling like you are always coming up short in work, you have to know your core drivers so you can build the confidence to own your brilliance.

If you want to earn a premium salary that gives you the freedom you deserve, you need to manage your career like a product, including a vision, strategy, and roadmap.

If you are ready to lead, you must learn the right tools that work in the reality of tech.

If you are ready to reclaim your career...

Then let's have a conversation.

Want Personalized Help?


What if all it took for you to start moving in an amazing role was a simple tweak in how you communicate in your interviews?

What if all it took to land your next amazing role was to understand who you are to step into your brilliance?

What if all it took to land your seat at the strategy table was to get out of the weeds and embrace the big picture?

Not a complex framework. Not playing ugly politics. Not having to be someone you are not. 

But instead, slightly change how you communicate and how you brand yourself.

This is EXACTLY what happens when you upgrade how you show up every day. 

Did you know we do these powerful sessions we call LEADERSHIP and CAREER ROADMAP SESSIONS?

Listen - I get it. You do not want a sales call.

Here is the good news.  This session is NOT a sales call.

Literally, even if you wanted to buy, it wouldn't be possible.


Book Yours Now!