***Coaching for Leaders and Aspiring Leaders ***


Finally, Break Through to Executive Roles


Learn how to get promoted in MONTHS, not years without working nonstop or playing ugly politics.

Book a Call NOW


High Achievers Leading & Thriving 

Trusted by Tech Innovators at Top Organizations Such As

Join a Group of Innovators Who are Leading and Thriving

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Career growth happens when a proven strategy meets precise consistent action











We combine customized coaching with community, accountability, and implementation-driven coaching to get you the most impactful results with the fewest steps.

So you learn how to unleash your greatness as a leader and strategist without stressing out and burning out.

WHO is this for?

This program is created for high achievers and leaders who are ready to...


Become rockstar leaders and strategists...Become a Director/Lead/VP

Be put on the strategic, big impact projects

Reduce overwork and overwhelm 

Learn how to manage up, down, and across the organization (ie the political game)


Look forward to going to work (remember what that felt like!)


Thrive inside and outside of work


Kick Imposter Syndrome to the Curb


Have a life outside of work

If this sounds like you…

There’s a spot waiting for you inside our  

 Lead and Thrive Program

I'm Ready!

If this sounds like you…

There’s a spot waiting for you inside our  

 Lead and Thrive Program

I'm Ready!

Watch these Rockstars Who Became LEADERS!

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 You are seriously smart, savvy, and are a high achiever and are ready to play big. Do any of these sound like you?

Ready to Level Up: You are ready for a more senior role yet you can't seem to get out of your own way. You've been stuck at the same level for years.

Passed Over: You've been passed over for promotions time and time again.

Overworked: You are saying yes to everything and working 24/7 to prove your worth and capability.

Undervalued: You don't know how to show others the immense leadership and strategic value you bring.

Unfulfilled: You know you are ready for more growth but are terrified of looking for a new role in this market.

Exhausted: You are just so tired from keeping up with the never-ending demands and constant changes at work.

Stressed: You are navigating imposter syndrome and negative self-talk...causing you to feel small. 


You are SO READY to Play Big and Level Up...


Book a Call NOW

If you are ready to invest in a real and proven strategy to help be a strategist, be put on the leadership fast-track, and learn skills to thrive in chaos without burning out, then this program is for you.


With the Elevate, it’s all within reach, and it’s closer than you think


If you are a ‘put me in coach’ kind of tech innovator,

then we’re for you.

If you are a ‘put me in coach’ kind of tech innovator,

then we’re for you.

The Programs

Personalized based on your challenges

1:1s plus group workshops

Part 1: The Blueprint

The program combines the right frameworks, personalized to each person, with the right consulting, strategy, and support.   

You’ll get the exact strategy to communicate, influence, and manage up in your current organization. You'll learn the right tools to drive growth while also reducing overwhelm, stress, and the number of hours you work.

Everything we do is battle-tested, proven to work, and framed based on the realities of working in tech and leadership.


Part 2: The RIGHT Frameworks and Strategies

Not all information is the same. The system helps you embrace the right strategies based on the realities of tech. The frameworks include science, marketing, branding, change management, neuroscience, and psychology.

You will learn:

  • Build your brand to have a bullet proof career roadmap
  • How to navigate the senior leadership team
  • Communication like a rockstar up and down the leadership chain
  • Executive Presence
  • Managing difficult conversations
  • Identifying triggers and calming emotions so you and your team can focus
  • Managing difficult stakeholders

Personalized Coaching

Receive personalized coaching, strategy, and consulting throughout the process

Part 3: Mastermind Role Play 

Join Lynne and other world-class coaches weekly for training, role play, and Q&A.  Receive tailored support to iterate and grow.

Learn more

Let's Go!

Frequently Asked Questions